Wednesday 16 July 2014


Exam style questions

Pick a numbered question to answer and email your answers and workings to me, you can type  up your answers or write up and email an image to me. This is the final year 12 target before the summer. If you have any difficulties, comment below or come and find me (LDR).

Monday 19 May 2014

10.2 homework

Using the simulation below and the instructions available you need to complete the data table in your book and answer questions 1-8 in your books. Some of the questions can be completed in the analysis data table. If you wish to complete the questions on the word document, ensure it is printed and stuck neatly in your book.

This is due for the 1st Monday you come back from half term: Monday 2nd June.

Any queries you have, use the comments box below or the twitter feed on the right hand side navigation bar (@SMAchemist). Instructions document is available by clicking on the link.

Hint: Remember salt is NaCl and so is an example of an ionic compound. Sugar consists of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen (C6H12O6). All the elements are non-metals so sugar is an example of covalent bonding

Sugar and Salt Solutions

Click to Run

Tuesday 13 May 2014

"This is geography not chemistry" say all St. Margie's students about C1 chapter 7…..

Chemistry calculations reveal Earth's inner core | Chemistry World

Chemistry finds that there's lots of oxygen at the core of our planet but remember for your exam (C1) these key points:

  • inner core: solid, very hot >6000 degrees celcius, lots of iron to cause magnetic field
  • outercore molten, also very hot and also has loads of metal in it.